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Survey Feedback 1st Annual Christmas Ball

Enjoyed 1st Annual Christmas Ball 

Enjoyed Most

Thought on 2022 Venue and Spending 

Willing to help 

How can we do better?



Food we have great cooks in the family next ball my suggestion is to create a cookoff make it a fundraiser entry fee goes to Bottley foundation I want to make this my first fundraiser of the year ❤️

Enjoyed 1st Annual Christmas Ball 

Enjoyed Most

Thought on 2022 Venue and Spending 

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How can we do better?


DJ / Dancing

Cut out all the talking , Ball by definition is dancing , eating and socializing , if you are going to continue with 2 hours of talking change the name to Bottley family banquet, because banquets are where you do announcements and awards and acknowledgments .
If you insist on continuing the long speeches either attendance will continue to decline or people will show up an hour and a half late.

Enjoyed 1st Annual Christmas Ball 

Enjoyed Most

Thought on 2022 Venue and Spending 

Willing to help 

How can we do better?



Less program and more socializing and dancing

Enjoyed 1st Annual Christmas Ball 

Enjoyed Most

Thought on 2022 Venue and Spending 

Willing to help 

How can we do better?



This is a text entry EFP

Enjoyed 1st Annual Christmas Ball 

Enjoyed Most

Thought on 2022 Venue and Spending 

Willing to help 

How can we do better?


Venue (Location of event)

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